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Cock Fighting


Is it really a people's sport or not rather animal cruelty? In ancient times, cocks intended for fighting were bred only at the royal court. Today, simple citizens are also allowed to breed fighting taps. Especially in rural areas of Thailand, this sport has been practiced for centuries. Many breeders compare their operation with that of owners of racing pigeons. Fighting roosters are very aggressive in their behavior and fight until one of them wins. The subdued animal is often killed or seriously injured. This endeavor obviously serves this gamble-addicted population to bet. In children and adolescents, the morbid desire for gambling is aroused by this sort of activity.


The fight begins with the placing of the animals in the arena. The battlefields are not only a place of the bloody fighting. They also serve as an exhibition venue for particularly successful breeds. In addition to fighting, perseverance and aggressiveness, the breed also focuses on aesthetic features. Faucets are first provoked and then released. Due to the animals' natural instinct to protect their territory and the narrowness of the arena the animals begin to fight. They fight with beaks, claws and spurs. The spores are additionally reinforced with metal spores. Almost every village in Thailand offers its inhabitants and visitors cock fights at festivities. Some of these battles bring up to 200,000 baht. Individuals also let their cocks compete against each other as a leisure sport. The animals are daily subjected to a fitness program, so they remain ready for battle.

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