Animal Protection
concerns us all!

We've done a lot ...
but there's so much more to be done!

Public Relations - Animal Protection concerns us all!

By Public Relations, we refer to every action aimed at increasing sensitivity to questions of animal welfare. We are convinced of the necessity to create, reinforce and consolidate this awareness. We all know of numerous cases where, due to a lack of Animal Protection awareness, animals are exploited commercially under extremely cruel circumstances. But the thousands of isolated cases where complete ignorance causes the most vulnerable creatures to suffer distress are just as bad. As long as these abuses happen, it is necessary to inform and galvanize the people.

Medial advertising such as press releases, paid advertisements and researched Articles as well as radio and television advertising are part of our efforts.

Some societies and organizations convey their messages personally and install various booths at events, fairs and in pedestrian areas.

Rock hard investigative journalism is just as well part of our PR activities as are countless Animal TV Shows.

In order to anchor our message as effectively as possible, we asked a team of renowned designers to create a logo that transmits our aims in a way that’s clear and easy to understand.

This logo has been spread all across Vienna on a huge fleet of taxis and other transports.

As an intact awareness for Animal Welfare cannot be developed too early, we distribute numerous promotional items among our youngsters, as well as to the population in general. But nothing can be as strong as personal contact. That’s why our representatives are on the road day in day out to visit our members where they also distribute promotional items.

Animal protection groups are financed mostly by donations. That’s where we would like to send a heartfelt thanks to our press and to radio and television studios who offer valuable time and space to the concerns of Animal Protection.

Other groups gather public attention by spectacular actions. Volunteers chain themselves to vehicles thereby preventing the transport of animals, cripple fishing vessels, climb chimneys, or spray the furs of “elegant” women with paint.

The sum of all these actions creates the necessary attention to and awareness of the important role of Animal Protection. And the results are noticeable: furriers start sitting on their ware, more and more chickens have the freedom to run about, and pharmaceutical companies don’t test their products on animals exclusively any more.

We are proud to be part of all these efforts to further an active awareness for animal welfare.

Our message is: “Animal Protection concerns us all!”